Sabtu, 06 Desember 2008

An Extraordinary Woman

Today is just like another day
Today is just an ordinary day
But today, there was an extraordinary woman was born
For fifty nine years ago...

She's just like another woman
She's just an ordinary woman
But for me, she's my extraordinary woman
Indeed, she is my 'Superwoman'...

Though, I've told her how much I love Her in so many words
Though, I've shown her how much I miss Her in so many ways
Still, those wouldn't recompense all she's done to me
Still, those wouldn't repay all she's given to me...

Now, that we're apart for some time
I just want to let her know that I'm doing alright, we're doing fine
And knowing she's alright, hearing she's doing fine
Are my mostly desirable wishes...

"Robbanaghfirlii waliwaalidayya walilmu'miniina yauma yaquumul hisaabu"
(QS.Ibraahiim : 41)

(To my beloved Mom, love and miss you much...)

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